Edible Education Experience Summer Camp

Camper Information


We are so excited for your camper to join us this summer! Below you will find information about each day of summer camp, including recipes, Zoom links, and timing. We encourage you to give yourself plenty of time to complete the Pre-Work.

For questions, reach out to Chef Erica at Erica@EdibleEd.org!


  • Review the recipes for each day

  • Review the supplies for each day

  • Create a shopping list for the week + go shopping

  • “Mise en place” = “Everything in it’s place” — make sure you have all your ingredients and supplies gathered

  • Test the Zoom links before classes to make sure you’re able to easily log on

  • Get excited for your week of camp!

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/97256582252?pwd=cUwxUWtnRHVEVkFaL1Z2eHcxWitGUT09

Meeting ID: 972 5658 2252

Password: Edible

Day 2

July 29, 2020

11 am - 1:30 pm

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93341865803?pwd=a0F2RUtOMFNWbEt3UG9PaUE1SEJzQT09

Meeting ID: 933 4186 5803

Password: Edible

Day 3

July 30, 2020

11 am - 1:30 pm

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/98268782105?pwd=bXpGVWpUWUhaNi9FVWZ6dEpDc1hvdz09

Meeting ID: 982 6878 2105

Password: Edible