Welcome to Edible Education Experience’s

Seed-To-Table Virtual Series

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the landing page! Get ready for 3 engaging virtual sessions, 1 IN PERSON session (at the Kitchen House & Culinary Garden), and 1 virtual Q&A with AH Dietitian and EEE chef & Culinary Educator/Dietitian, all focused on building confidence, skills, and community. Below you will find information about each session including dates and times, Zoom links and recordings, recipes, recommendations, a mindful eating activity, and more.

For questions, please reach out to Program Director, Sarah Santa at Sarah@EdibleEd.org

Get Prepared

  • Review the recipes ahead of time (listed with each session below)

  • Review the recommended supplies - Supply List

  • Watch Grocery Shopping & Unpacking video — make sure you have all your ingredients and supplies gathered and ready to go (ex. wash fruits or vegetables, peel onions or garlic, thaw frozen items, etc) - Shopping List

  • Virtual sessions 1-3 are meant for you to cook along with us! Held on Zoom,

    Thursday, June 27th 2:00pm - 3:30pm

    Monday, August 12th 10:30am - 12:00pm

    Monday, October 7th 1:00pm - 2:30pm

  • The in-person session is Monday, November 11th 5:30pm -7:00pm

  • The virtual Q & A session is Friday, November 15th 9:30am - 10:30am.

Watch this quick (grocery shop & unpacking) video in preparation for this Seed-to-Table virtual cooking series. This video is meant to give you guidance when shopping and preparing your ingredients before the classes. “Mise en place”!

Introduction Video

Grocery Shopping & Unpacking Video

click HERE

Session 1

Seed to Table & Whole Food Plant based

June 27

2:00PM - 3:30PM

**Please be sure you follow the link above (under “Get Prepared”) to complete the pre-survey prior to attending!

Join virtual class: HERE

Have you ever wondered what seed-to-table means? Maybe you’ve heard a similar phrase, such as farm-to-table, or field-to-fork? These phrases give a sense that the food hasn't traveled far and it’s much less processed when it meets your plate; to understand seed-to-table is to understand the journey your food takes, and the journey is not linear! At Edible Education Experience, we focus on collaborating with nature (rather than working against the elements) and using the garden as a guide to what we prepare in the kitchen. Join our Culinary and Garden Educators in this first session to virtually experience what seed-to-table is all about, an introduction to Whole-Food Plant-Based eating, prepare a flavorful & seasonal dish, and explore your values around food.

Session 2

Grouping foods & flavor techniques

August 12

10:30PM - 12:00PM

Join virtual class: HERE

Further explore whole food plant based eating by looking at the “WFPB Plate '' in comparison to other plant-focused diet plates. Experience flavors and the idea that good cooking begins with tasting and learning to adjust flavors, as well as simple techniques. Practice looking at food through an art lens and making choices that align with the food values you explored in session 1.

Session 3

Sugar science & desserts

October 7

1:00PM - 2:30PM

Join virtual class: HERE

Explore the various forms of sugar found naturally occurring in foods, and contrast with what sugar-added foods are. Notice how different cooking or preparation techniques interact with the sugars in various foods, such as freezing bananas for the nicecream or caramelizing the vegetables from session 2. Discuss the “dessert flip” and other tips for enjoying even the most decadant desserts on a balanced plate. Today is all about preferences! What type of dessert will you enjoy this season?

Session 4


November 11

5:30PM - 7:00PM

Register for in-person session: Contact Alexis

We welcome you to the Kitchen House and Culinary Garden for this engaging in-person session. You will see right away that this is not a demonstration facility but rather a hands-on educational experience. Kitchens and gardens bring inspiration and a sense of connectedness, and we hope you experience that here!

In-person session at Edible Education Experience

located at 26 East King Street, Orlando, FL

Q & A Session

With Dr. Orman, Sherri Flynt, AH Dietitian & Allison Harell, EEE’s Culinary Educator and Dietitian

November 11

9:30AM to 10:30AM

Join Q & A virtual Session: HERE

Practice at home and make it your own! What’s important is to slow down and observe with each of your senses the present moment.

The First Bite a mindful eating technique

Gaze at the food/dish/item that is in front of you. What is it? Silently list each different color you see. Notice each texture. Do you want to eat it? Notice any impulse to take a bite! But don't! Not yet. Bring the item/food closer to your face and engage your sense of smell. Notice any reactions, such as your stomach grumbling or mouth salivating. Think about your experience of preparing this food. What are the ingredients? Where did they come from? Near or far? Some foods take a long journey before they get to our plate - they take time and effort to grow, they must be harvested, processed and transported, possibly by plane, train, truck, and boat, to the store, then purchased and brought here today for you to enjoy. That's a long journey! Take one moment of gratitude to say 'thank you' for that journey, silently or out loud. Almost time to take the first bite! First, take in all the smells of the dish one more time. Is your body responding and ready to eat? SLOWLY take your first bite, and chew it as slow as you can, letting all the flavors into every corner of the mouth. Now, simply enjoy your snack/meal with this renewed sense of gratitude and mindfulness.Thank you for going on this journey today!


To learn more about the health benefits that each recipe provides.